Sunday, May 15, 2011

Even Better Peanut Butter Brownies

Batter in the pan before going into the oven
That was a very good weekend. Nail polish, eating, goofing around, baking, swimming, s'mores, Doctor Who series 6, Doctor Who series 1, Eurovision, and some more Doctor Who series 1. All with some really great people. Saturday, the main event day, started with some delicious french toast casserole (I think it was a soufflé actually) provided by Stephen and his mother. As we didn't make it, I don't know the recipe, but it was lots of bread, egg, and maple syrup. We covered it in blackberry syrup and it became the perfect breakfast.

Stephen adds the ganache
Hot dogs were planned for dinner, so we thought we'd provide dessert. Various choices were discussed, and it was finally chosen to make peanut butter brownies. The recipe was found on smitten kitchen.

These peanut butter brownies consist of a batter of peanut butter (a full cup!) with all the other stuff you normally use to make a baked good of this type, with some chocolate chips put in as well. We got to adventure out to Publix to pick up more chocolate chips, since it took 1 1/2 cups in the batter and 1 1/2 cups in the ganache. The ganache was made the same way our butterscotch one was - lots of chocolate chips with heavy cream in a double boiler. After the brownies came out, they cooled for an hour, during which we ran to Publix and made the ganache. It was covered in the delicious chocolate, and then we headed over to a friend's for the pool and fun.

When these babies were served, the ganache had only had an hour to cool and settle, so was still very liquidy. It dripped all over our hands, but it was amazingly tasty so who cared. I tried another tonight after it had much longer to settle, and it was the perfect consistency of creamy but solid enough to not drip all over the place. Definitely a dessert to try if you're in the mood for peanut butter and chocolate.


1 comment:

  1. "It dripped all over our hands, but it was amazingly tasty"


    I also read that as "Nail polish eating" at the beginning. The brownies were definitely delicious, I just don't know how much peanut butter I can handle personally
